Kimberly Butler

board member

Kimberly has twenty years experience working in reproductive health from her time in the Peace Corps in Guatemala to her work with a foundation. She is the founder or co-founder of four non-profits including Take Control Initiative, the nation's first and longest running contraceptive access program. While working on her MPH, she was a graduate research assistant on the State Coverage Initiative, a bipartisan policy strategy for Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma before the Affordable Care Act. In her current role, she has successfully led policy change in reproductive health, health education and maternal health. Twelve years ago, she led the effort to save Planned Parenthood in Oklahoma and Arkansas, by garnering support among funders in both states for a merger with another affiliate. Without this merger, Oklahoma and Arkansas would have lost their affiliate. She remains a thought partner with our current affiliate, Planned Parenthood of the Great Plains. She is currently on the Hillcrest Hospital and Tulsa Town Hall boards.