Project 50 Special Report
Candidates who publicly share their support for the right to abortion healthcare win, even in the most conservative of states.
This week in northern Alabama, halfway between Birmingham and Nashville, 65-year-old Marilyn Lands won a special election for a seat in the Alabama State House of Representatives by a 63%-37% margin. The seat had not been won by a Democrat for two decades. By putting the re-establishment of abortion rights front and center in her campaign, Lands, a Democrat, won the seat.
Abortion healthcare is illegal in Alabama, even in cases of pregnancy arising from rape and incest. Marilyn Lands named repealing Alabama’s abortion ban as her top priority.
Some media coverage on the momentous victory emphasizes the power of the recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling outlawing IVF fertility treatments. However, that analysis downplays the importance of Lands’ victory as an abortion rights supporter, specifically. We know that supporting reproductive rights can win elections, and Marilyn Lands’ victory illustrates exactly that!
We at Project 50 are excited by yet another example of an abortion rights supporter winning by honestly and openly defending the right of all women to make their own decisions about pregnancy, including abortion healthcare. Congratulations Representative-elect Marilyn Lands!
Yours in solidarity,
Bryan Howard
Marilyn Lands' campaign website for Alabama State House, which features abortion rights as her top priority issue.
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